


Key Features

  • 300/200/100MHz bandwidth selections ;2 channels
  • Real time sampling rate is 2GSa/s max.
  • Per Channel 20M memory depth and VPO waveform display technology
  • Waveform update rate up to 120,000 wfms/s
  • 8 “ WVGA TFT LCD display


Channels: 2CH+ EXT.

Bandwidth(‐3dB): DC~200MHz

Rise time: 1.75ns

Bandwidth Limit: 20M/100MHz

– Vertical Sensitivity

Resolution: 8 bit; 1mV~10V/div

Input Coupling: AC, DC, GND

Input Impedance: 1MΩ// 16pF approx.

DC Gain Accuracy: ±(3%)when 2mV/div or greater is selected; ±(5%)when 1mV/div is selected;

Polarity: Normal & Invert

Maximum Input Voltage: 300Vrms, CAT I

Offset Position Range: 1mV/div ~ 20mV/div : ±0.5V; 50mV/div ~ 200mV/div : ±5V; 500mV/div ~ 2V/div : ±25V; 5V~10V/div : ±250V

Waveform Signal Process: +, ‐, ×, ÷, FFT, User Defined Expression.

FFT: 1Mpts

FFT: Spectral magnitude. Set FFT Vertical Scale to Linear RMS or dBV RMS, and FFT Window to Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, or Blackman.

– Trigger

Source: CH1, CH2 Line, EXT

Trigger Mode: Auto (supports Roll Mode for 100ms/div or slower), Normal, Single Sequence

Trigger Type: Edge, Pulse Width(Glitch), Video, Pulse Runt, Rise & Fall(Slope), Alternate, Time out, Event‐Delay(1~65535 events), Time‐Delay(Duration,4nS~10S), Bus

Holdoff range: 4ns~10s

Coupling: AC, DC, LF rej., HF rej. , Noise rej.

Sensitivity: 1div

– External Trigger GW Instek MDO-2202A

Range: ±15V

Sensitivity: DC ~ 100MHz Approx.100mV; 100MHz ~ 200MHz Approx. 150mV; 200MHz ~ 300MHz Approx. 150mV

Input Impedance: 1MΩ±3%~16pF

– Horizontal

Time base Range: 1ns/div ~ 100s/div (1‐2‐5 increments); ROLL: 100ms/div ~ 100s/div

Pre‐trigger: 10 div maximum

Post‐trigger: 2,000,000 div maximum.

Timebase Accuracy: ±50 ppm over any ≥ 1ms time interval

Real-Time Sample Rate: Max.:2GSa/s

Record Length: Per Channel 20M pts

Acquisition Mode: Normal, Average, Peak Detect, Single

Peak Detection: 2ns (typical)

Average: selectable from 2 to 256

– X‐Y Mode

X‐Axis Input: Channel 1

Y‐Axis Input: Channel 2

Phase Shift: ±3° at 100kHz

– Cursors and Measurement

Cursors: Amplitude, Time, Gating available unit: Seconds(s), Hz(1/s) ,Phase(degree) ,Ration(%)

Automatic Measurement:

38 sets: Pk‐Pk, Max, Min, Amplitude, High, Low, Mean, Cycle Mean, RMS, Cycle RMS, Area, Cycle Area, ROVShoot, FOVShoot, RPREShoot, FPREShoot, Frequency, Period, RiseTime, FallTime, +Width, ‐Width, Duty Cycle, +Pulses, ‐Pulses, +Edges, ‐Edges, %Flicker, Flicker Idx, FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF, Phase

– Control Panel Function

Auto counter: 6 digits, range from 2Hz minimum to the rated bandwidth

Autoset: Single‐button, automatic setup of all channels for vertical, horizontal, and trigger systems, with undo Autoset

Save Setup: 20 sets

Save Waveform: 24 sets

– Display GW Instek MDO-2202A

TFT LCD Type: 8″ TFT LCD WVGA color display

Display Resolution: 800 horizontal × 480 vertical pixels (WVGA)

Interpolation: Sin(x)/x

Waveform Display: Dots, vectors, variable persistence (16ms~4s), infinite persistence

Waveform Update Rate: 120,000 waveforms per second, maximum

Display Graticule: 8 x 10 divisions

Display mode: YT; XY

– Interface

USB Port: USB 2.0 High‐speed host port X1, USB 2.0 High‐speed device port X1

Ethernet(LAN) port: RJ‐45 connector, 10/100Mbps with HP Auto‐MDIX

Go‐NoGo BNC: 5V Max/10mA TTL open collector output

Kensington Style Lock: Rear‐panel security slot connects to a standard Kensington‐style lock.

– Spectrum Analyzer Specifications

Frequency range: DC~1GHz (Max. , Max.bandwidth~1GHz uncalibrated)

Span: 1kHz~1GHz(Max.)

Resolution bandwidth: 1Hz ~ 1MHz(Max.)

Reference level: ‐50 dBm to +40dBm in steps of 5dBm

Vertical units: dBV RMS; Linear RMS; dBm

Vertical position: ‐12divs to +12divs

Vertical scale: 1dB/div to 20dB/div in a 1‐2‐5 Sequence

Display average noise level: 1V/div < ‐50dBm, Avg : 16; 100mV/div < ‐70dBm, Avg : 16; 10mV/div < ‐90dBm, Avg : 16

Spurious response: 2nd harmonic distortion< 40dBc; 3rd harmonic distortion< 45dBc

Frequency domain trace types: Normal ; Max Hold ; Min Hold ; Average (2 ~ 256)

Detection methods: Sample ; +Peak ; ‐Peak ; Average

FFT Windows: FFT Factor :

Hanning 1.44; Rectangular 0.89; Hamming 1.30; Blackman 1.68

Introduction GW Instek MDO-2202A

MDO-2000A is an advanced version of MDO-2000E. The selectable bandwidth range is upgraded to 300MHz. The full bandwidth ranges include 300MHz, 200MHz, and 100MHz. The sampling rate has upgraded to Max. 2GSa/s and the memory depth has also been upgraded to 20M/CH. Hence, the three major specifications of oscilloscopes have been improved. The new models of the series feature 2 channels including MDO-2000A and MDO-2000AG. The entire series offers the functions of an oscilloscope and spectrum analyzer. On top of that, MDO-2000AG features a dual-channel 25MHz arbitrary waveform generator. The new generation MDO-2000A series provides a better sampling rate and memory depth for users to obtain more realistic signal integrity, and higher bandwidth selections meet the measurement requirements of higher frequencies.


– 300/200/100MHz bandwidth selections; 2 channels
– Real-time sampling rate is 2GSa/s max.
– Per Channel 20M memory depth and VPO waveform display technology
– Waveform update rate up to 120,000 wfms/s
– 8 “ WVGA TFT LCD display
– Maximum 1M FFT provides higher frequency domain resolution measurements
– High, low and bandpass filter functions
– 29,000 segmented memories and waveform search functions
– I2C/UART/CAN/LIN serial bus trigger and decoding function
– Datalog function is able to track signal changes up to 1000 hours
– Network storage function
– Mask test function




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