
GW Instek GDS-3152 (CE) Digital Storage Oscilloscopes

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Key Features

  • 500/350/250/150MHz with 2/4 Channels
  • 5GSa/s RT or 100GSa/s ET Sampling Rate
  • Independent Memory for Each Channel
  • VPO Technology
  • Large 8-inch 800×600 Display


The specifications apply when the GDS‐3152 is powered on for at least 30 minutes under +20°C~+30°C

Channels: 2 + Ext

Bandwidth: DC ~ 150MHz (–3dB)

Calculated Rise time: 2.3ns


– Vertical

Resolution Sensitivity: 8 bit, @1MΩ: 2mV~5V/div, @50/75Ω: 2mV~1V/div

Input Coupling: AC, DC, GND

Input Impedance: 1MΩ// 15pF

DC Gain Accuracy: ±3% full scale

Polarity: Normal & Invert

Maximum Input: @1 MΩ: 300Vrms, CAT I

Voltage: @50/75Ω: 5 Vrms max

Offset Position Range: 2mV/div ~ 100mV/div : ±0.5V; 200mV/div ~ 5V/div : ±25V

Bandwidth Limit: Dependent on the oscilloscope bandwidth (BW. BW=150: Full/20MHz. BW=250: Full/20MHz/100MHz. BW=350: Full/20MHz/100MHz/200MHz. BW=500: Full/20MHz/100MHz/200MHz/350MHz

Waveform Signal Process: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide waveforms, FFT, FFTrms, Integration*, Differentiation*.

*: App installation required.

FFT: Spectral magnitude. Set FFT Vertical Scale to Linear RMS or dBV RMS, and FFT Window to Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, or Blackman‐Harris.

– Trigger

Sources: CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, Line, EXT

Modes: Auto (supports Roll Mode for 100 ms/div and slower), Normal, Single Sequence

Type: Edge, Pulse Width(Glitch), Video, Pulse Runt, Rise & Fall(Slope), Alternate, Event‐Delay(1~65535 events), Time‐Delay(Duration)(10ns~10s), I 2 C*, SPI*, UART*

*optional    Runt: Trigger on a pulse that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the first again. SPI (optional): Trigger on SS, MOSI, MISO, or MOSI and MISO on SPI buses. I 2 C (optional): Trigger on Start, Repeated Start, Stop, Missing ACK, Address (7 or 10 bit), Data, or Address and Data on I 2 C buses.

UART (optional): Trigger on Tx Start Bit, Rx Start Bit, Tx End of Packet, Rx End of Packet, Tx Data, Rx Data, Tx Parity Error, and Rx Parity Error.

Holdoff range: 10ns to 10s

Coupling: AC, DC, LF rej., Hf rej., Noise rej.

Sensitivity: DC ~ 50MHz Approx. 1div or 10mV. 50MHz ~ 150MHz Approx. 1.5div or 15mV; 150MHz ~ 350MHz Approx. 2div or 20mV

– External Trigger GW Instek GDS-3152

Range:  ±15V

Sensitivity: DC ~ 150MHz Approx. 100mV; 150MHz ~ 250MHz Approx. 150mV; 250MHz ~ 350MHz Approx. 150mV; 350MHz ~ 500MHz Approx. 200mV

Input Impedance 1MΩ±3%, ~16pF

– Horizontal

Timebase Range: 1ns/div ~ 100s/div (1‐2‐5 increments); ROLL : 100ms/div ~ 100s/div

Pre‐trigger: 10 div maximum

Post‐trigger:  1000 div maximum. The number of divisions depends on the time division.

Timebase Accuracy: ±20 ppm over any ≧1 ms time interval

– X‐Y Mode

X‐Axis Input: Channel 1; Channel 3

Y‐Axis Input: Channel 2; Channel 4

Phase Shift: ±3° at 100kHz

– Signal Acquisition

Real-Time Sample Rate: 150/250/300MHz models: 5GSa/s (MAX); 150/250MHz models with 2CH: 2.5GSa/s; 500MHz models: 4GSa/s (MAX), 2GSa/s per channel

ET Sample Rate: 100GSa/s maximum for all models

Record Length: 25k points / channel

Acquisition Mode: Normal, Average, Peak Detect, High Resolution, Single Sequence

Peak (Glitch) Detection: 2ns (MAX)

Normal: Acquire sampled values.
Average: From 2 to 256 waveforms are included in the average.
Peak Detect: Captures glitches as narrow as 2 ns at all sweep speeds
Hi-Res: Real‐time boxcar averaging reduces random noise and increases the vertical resolution

– Cursors and Measurement

Cursors: Amplitude, Time, Gating available

Automatic Measurement: 28 sets: Vpp, Vamp, Vavg, Vrms, Vhi, Vlo, Vmax, Vmin, Rise Preshoot/Overshoot, Fall Preshoot/Overshoot, Freq, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative Width, Duty Cycle, and nine different delay measurements (FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF, Phase).

Cursors measurement: Voltage difference between cursors ( ∆V) Time difference between cursors ( ∆T)

Auto counter: 6 digits, range from 2Hz minimum to the rated bandwidth

– Power Measurements (Option)

Power Quality Measurements: V RMS, I RMS, True Power, Apparent Power, Reactive Power, Frequency, Power Factor, Phase Angle, V Crest Factor, I Crest Factor, (+)V Peak,    (‐)V Peak, (+)I Peak, (‐)I Peak, DC Voltage, DC Current, Impedance, Resistance, Reactance

Harmonics: Frequency (Hz), Magnitude (%), Mag. RMS (A), Phase (˚), Limit (A), Limit (%), Pass | Fail, Max all, Windows (A), 200% Limit, POHC Limit, THD‐F, THD‐R, RMS, Overall, POHC, POHL, Input Power, Power Factor, Fundamental Current, Harmonic 3, Harmonic 5

Ripple Measurements: Ripple, Noise

In‐rush current: First peak, Second peak

– Control Panel Function GW Instek GDS-3152

Autoset: Single‐button, automatic setup of all channels for vertical, horizontal, and trigger systems, with undo autoset

Auto‐Range: allow you to quickly move from test point to test point without having to reset the oscilloscope for each test point

Save Setup: 20 sets

Save Waveform: 24 sets

– Display 

TFT LCD Type: 8″ TFT LCD SVGA color display

Display Mode: YT, XY

Display Resolution: 800 horizontal × 600 vertical pixels (SVGA)

Interpolation: Sin(x)/x & Equivalent Time Sampling

Waveform Display: Dots, vectors, variable persistence, infinite persistence

Display Graticule: 8 x 10 divisions

Waveform Update Rate: 3500 waveforms per second maximum

– Interface

RS232C: DB‐9 male connector

USB Port: 2 sets USB 2.0 High‐speed host port; 1 set USB High‐speed 2.0 device port

Ethernet Port (LAN): RJ‐45 connector, 10/100Mbps

SVGA  Video Port: DB‐15 female connector, monitor output for  display on SVGA monitors

GPIB: GPIB to USB adapter (Option)

Go‐NoGo BNC: 5V Max, 10mA CMOS open collector output

Internal flash disk: 64MB

Kensington Style Lock:  Rear‐panel security slot connects to a standard Kensington‐style lock.

Line output: 3.5mm stereo jack for Go/NoGo audio alarm

– Power Source

Line Voltage Range: AC 100V ~ 240V , 48Hz ~ 63Hz , Auto selection

Power Consumption: 96VA

– Miscellaneous

Multi‐language menu: Available

On‐line help: Available

Time clock: Time and Date, Provide the Date/Time for saved data

Dimensions: 400W X 200H X 130D, Approx. 4kg


– Model‐specific Probe specifications (GTP‐151R)

Applicable to: GDS‐3152 / GDS‐3154

Bandwidth: DC ~ 150MHz

Rise time: 2.3ns

Input Capacitance: ~12pF

Compensation Range: 10 ~ 30pF


– Position x 10:

Attenuation Ratio: 10:1 (fixed) with readout pin

Input Resistance: 10MΩ when used with 1MΩ input oscilloscope

Maximum Input Voltage:  500V CAT I, 300V CAT II  derating with frequency

– Operating Condition:

Temperature:  –0°C ~ 50°C

Relative Humidity:  ≤85% @35°C

Safety Standard: EN61010‐031 CAT II

Introduction GW Instek GDS-3152

The GDS-3000 Series (model GDS-3152)  is a platform of 4-input channels, 500MHz bandwidth, 5GSa/s sampling rate, and VPO waveform display. The split-screen feature has been designed to meet the requirements of multi-window & multi-signal tests in the research and manufacturing fields. The optional power analysis software and the optional serial bus analysis software are available to facilitate the engineer’s tasks in testing and manufacturing the associated products.
The differential probe, GDP-025, GDP-050 & GDP-100, and current probes, GCP-020, GCP-100, and GCP-530 & GCP-1030, are coming along with the GDS-3000 Series to provide total solutions for a wide variety of applications in the industry, service, and education market sectors. The GDS-3000 Series, a high-tech platform carrying thoughtful features, brings very high customer value to both the general-purpose market and the professional market.


– 500/350/250/150MHz with 2/4 Channels
– 5GSa/s RT or 100GSa/s ET Sampling Rate
– Independent Memory for Each Channel
– VPO Technology
– Large 8-inch 800×600 Display
– Split Screen Function
– 3 Built-in Impedances (50Ω/75Ω/1MΩ)
– Power Analysis Software (Optional)
– Serial Bus Analysis Software for I2C, SPI, and UART (Optional)




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