The specifications apply when the GDS‐3152 is powered on for at least 30 minutes under +20°C~+30°C
Channels: 2 + Ext
Bandwidth: DC ~ 150MHz (–3dB)
Calculated Rise time: 2.3ns
– Vertical
Resolution Sensitivity: 8 bit, @1MΩ: 2mV~5V/div, @50/75Ω: 2mV~1V/div
Input Coupling: AC, DC, GND
Input Impedance: 1MΩ// 15pF
DC Gain Accuracy: ±3% full scale
Polarity: Normal & Invert
Maximum Input: @1 MΩ: 300Vrms, CAT I
Voltage: @50/75Ω: 5 Vrms max
Offset Position Range: 2mV/div ~ 100mV/div : ±0.5V; 200mV/div ~ 5V/div : ±25V
Bandwidth Limit: Dependent on the oscilloscope bandwidth (BW. BW=150: Full/20MHz. BW=250: Full/20MHz/100MHz. BW=350: Full/20MHz/100MHz/200MHz. BW=500: Full/20MHz/100MHz/200MHz/350MHz
Waveform Signal Process: Add, subtract, multiply, and divide waveforms, FFT, FFTrms, Integration*, Differentiation*.
*: App installation required.
FFT: Spectral magnitude. Set FFT Vertical Scale to Linear RMS or dBV RMS, and FFT Window to Rectangular, Hamming, Hanning, or Blackman‐Harris.
– Trigger
Sources: CH1, CH2, CH3, CH4, Line, EXT
Modes: Auto (supports Roll Mode for 100 ms/div and slower), Normal, Single Sequence
Type: Edge, Pulse Width(Glitch), Video, Pulse Runt, Rise & Fall(Slope), Alternate, Event‐Delay(1~65535 events), Time‐Delay(Duration)(10ns~10s), I 2 C*, SPI*, UART*
*optional Runt: Trigger on a pulse that crosses one threshold but fails to cross a second threshold before crossing the first again. SPI (optional): Trigger on SS, MOSI, MISO, or MOSI and MISO on SPI buses. I 2 C (optional): Trigger on Start, Repeated Start, Stop, Missing ACK, Address (7 or 10 bit), Data, or Address and Data on I 2 C buses.
UART (optional): Trigger on Tx Start Bit, Rx Start Bit, Tx End of Packet, Rx End of Packet, Tx Data, Rx Data, Tx Parity Error, and Rx Parity Error.
Holdoff range: 10ns to 10s
Coupling: AC, DC, LF rej., Hf rej., Noise rej.
Sensitivity: DC ~ 50MHz Approx. 1div or 10mV. 50MHz ~ 150MHz Approx. 1.5div or 15mV; 150MHz ~ 350MHz Approx. 2div or 20mV
– External Trigger GW Instek GDS-3152
Range: ±15V
Sensitivity: DC ~ 150MHz Approx. 100mV; 150MHz ~ 250MHz Approx. 150mV; 250MHz ~ 350MHz Approx. 150mV; 350MHz ~ 500MHz Approx. 200mV
Input Impedance 1MΩ±3%, ~16pF
– Horizontal
Timebase Range: 1ns/div ~ 100s/div (1‐2‐5 increments); ROLL : 100ms/div ~ 100s/div
Pre‐trigger: 10 div maximum
Post‐trigger: 1000 div maximum. The number of divisions depends on the time division.
Timebase Accuracy: ±20 ppm over any ≧1 ms time interval
– X‐Y Mode
X‐Axis Input: Channel 1; Channel 3
Y‐Axis Input: Channel 2; Channel 4
Phase Shift: ±3° at 100kHz
– Signal Acquisition
Real-Time Sample Rate: 150/250/300MHz models: 5GSa/s (MAX); 150/250MHz models with 2CH: 2.5GSa/s; 500MHz models: 4GSa/s (MAX), 2GSa/s per channel
ET Sample Rate: 100GSa/s maximum for all models
Record Length: 25k points / channel
Acquisition Mode: Normal, Average, Peak Detect, High Resolution, Single Sequence
Peak (Glitch) Detection: 2ns (MAX)
Normal: Acquire sampled values.
Average: From 2 to 256 waveforms are included in the average.
Peak Detect: Captures glitches as narrow as 2 ns at all sweep speeds
Hi-Res: Real‐time boxcar averaging reduces random noise and increases the vertical resolution
– Cursors and Measurement
Cursors: Amplitude, Time, Gating available
Automatic Measurement: 28 sets: Vpp, Vamp, Vavg, Vrms, Vhi, Vlo, Vmax, Vmin, Rise Preshoot/Overshoot, Fall Preshoot/Overshoot, Freq, Period, Rise Time, Fall Time, Positive Width, Negative Width, Duty Cycle, and nine different delay measurements (FRR, FRF, FFR, FFF, LRR, LRF, LFR, LFF, Phase).
Cursors measurement: Voltage difference between cursors ( ∆V) Time difference between cursors ( ∆T)
Auto counter: 6 digits, range from 2Hz minimum to the rated bandwidth
– Power Measurements (Option)
Power Quality Measurements: V RMS, I RMS, True Power, Apparent Power, Reactive Power, Frequency, Power Factor, Phase Angle, V Crest Factor, I Crest Factor, (+)V Peak, (‐)V Peak, (+)I Peak, (‐)I Peak, DC Voltage, DC Current, Impedance, Resistance, Reactance
Harmonics: Frequency (Hz), Magnitude (%), Mag. RMS (A), Phase (˚), Limit (A), Limit (%), Pass | Fail, Max all, Windows (A), 200% Limit, POHC Limit, THD‐F, THD‐R, RMS, Overall, POHC, POHL, Input Power, Power Factor, Fundamental Current, Harmonic 3, Harmonic 5
Ripple Measurements: Ripple, Noise
In‐rush current: First peak, Second peak
– Control Panel Function GW Instek GDS-3152
Autoset: Single‐button, automatic setup of all channels for vertical, horizontal, and trigger systems, with undo autoset
Auto‐Range: allow you to quickly move from test point to test point without having to reset the oscilloscope for each test point
Save Setup: 20 sets
Save Waveform: 24 sets
– Display
TFT LCD Type: 8″ TFT LCD SVGA color display
Display Mode: YT, XY
Display Resolution: 800 horizontal × 600 vertical pixels (SVGA)
Interpolation: Sin(x)/x & Equivalent Time Sampling
Waveform Display: Dots, vectors, variable persistence, infinite persistence
Display Graticule: 8 x 10 divisions
Waveform Update Rate: 3500 waveforms per second maximum
– Interface
RS232C: DB‐9 male connector
USB Port: 2 sets USB 2.0 High‐speed host port; 1 set USB High‐speed 2.0 device port
Ethernet Port (LAN): RJ‐45 connector, 10/100Mbps
SVGA Video Port: DB‐15 female connector, monitor output for display on SVGA monitors
GPIB: GPIB to USB adapter (Option)
Go‐NoGo BNC: 5V Max, 10mA CMOS open collector output
Internal flash disk: 64MB
Kensington Style Lock: Rear‐panel security slot connects to a standard Kensington‐style lock.
Line output: 3.5mm stereo jack for Go/NoGo audio alarm
– Power Source
Line Voltage Range: AC 100V ~ 240V , 48Hz ~ 63Hz , Auto selection
Power Consumption: 96VA
– Miscellaneous
Multi‐language menu: Available
On‐line help: Available
Time clock: Time and Date, Provide the Date/Time for saved data
Dimensions: 400W X 200H X 130D, Approx. 4kg
– Model‐specific Probe specifications (GTP‐151R)
Applicable to: GDS‐3152 / GDS‐3154
Bandwidth: DC ~ 150MHz
Rise time: 2.3ns
Input Capacitance: ~12pF
Compensation Range: 10 ~ 30pF
– Position x 10:
Attenuation Ratio: 10:1 (fixed) with readout pin
Input Resistance: 10MΩ when used with 1MΩ input oscilloscope
Maximum Input Voltage: 500V CAT I, 300V CAT II derating with frequency
– Operating Condition:
Temperature: –0°C ~ 50°C
Relative Humidity: ≤85% @35°C
Safety Standard: EN61010‐031 CAT II
Introduction GW Instek GDS-3152
– 500/350/250/150MHz with 2/4 Channels
– 5GSa/s RT or 100GSa/s ET Sampling Rate
– Independent Memory for Each Channel
– VPO Technology
– Large 8-inch 800×600 Display
– Split Screen Function
– 3 Built-in Impedances (50Ω/75Ω/1MΩ)
– Power Analysis Software (Optional)
– Serial Bus Analysis Software for I2C, SPI, and UART (Optional)
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