20 nm Chemical Batch Sampling Solution with the SLS-20 Syringe Sampler

Batch sampling of process chemicals

Particle size specification for process chemicals is a critical quality control for the semiconductor industry. Leading-edge microelectronics manufacturers require very clean process chemicals that are rigorously monitored for contamination and filtered to a particle size of 20 nm or below. SLS-20 Chem 20

Particle Measuring Systems (PMS) offers the Chem 20™ as the world’s most sensitive particle sensor, propelling online particle specification down to 20 nm for the first time. The SLS-20 syringe sampler, combined with the Chem 20, provides the flexibility of offline batch sampling for a variety of applications, including process chemical research, production, distribution and packaging.

Read this paper to learn more about: 

  • World-leading 20 nm batch sampling of process chemicals
  • How the system makes advances in waste reduction and safety
  • Thorough investigations of common use cases performed in collaboration with PMS customers for a variety of chemicals

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