In the latest update of the Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and ANSI/NCSL Z540-1-1994 (R2002) (Version 015), several significant changes have been made compared to Version 014. These updates focus on expanding the scope, extending ranges, and updating uncertainties budgets across various categories of calibration and measurement services provided by Techmaster Electronics. Below is a detailed comparison of these updates, using specific illustrative examples:
1. New Measurement Parameters Added in ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Scope Updates v015
In Version 015 of the Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2017, several new measurement capabilities have been introduced, broadening the range of services Techmaster can offer. Examples include:
- Dissolved Oxygen Meter: Introduced as a new parameter under Chemical Quantities.
- Welding Equipment: Added as a new parameter for calibration under Electrical.
- Laser Power Meter: Expanded to include a wider range of power outputs, such as up to 1 W.
- Caliper Checker/Check Master: Expanded range of dimensional calibration to include additional types of measuring tools, ensuring more comprehensive services.

2. Range Extensions in the Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2017
The updated Scope of Accreditation to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 includes range extensions for existing parameters, allowing for more flexible calibration services across broader measurement ranges. Examples include:
- Viscosity cup: The range has been extended in the chemical measurement category.
- DC Voltage – Source: The range extended up to 70 kV.
- AC Voltage – Source: New ranges added, including (220 to 300) V and up to 1.1 kV.
- Temperature Source/Measure: The range extended up to -100°C for more comprehensive temperature calibrations.
- Light Box: The scope has been extended to cover a broader range of light sources, including D75, D65, D60, D55, D50, CWF, A, and TL84/U35.
3. Uncertainty Budget Updates in ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Scope of Accreditation
Several parameters also have updated uncertainty budgets, reflecting more precise calibration capabilities. For example:
- AC Current – Source: The uncertainty budget has been updated to provide more accurate measurements.
- UV Meters Irradiance: Updates in the uncertainty range from 200 to 400 nm, showing improvements in light measurement precision.
- Laser Micro-Diameter: New instrument added for measuring fine dimensions.
4. Other Significant Changes
In addition, in the latest update of the ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Scope of Accreditation, Techmaster has made significant changes that further enhance the company’s calibration services.
- Temperature: Under the temperature category, updates were made, including an expansion of the measurement range.
- Capacitance – Measure: Expanded in electrical measurement services, improving coverage for testing a wider range of capacitors.
- DC Power – Generate: Extended range from 33 mV to 102 V, enhancing DC power measurement services.
5. Scope Expansion/Extension for 2024
No. | Parameter/ Equipment | Description | Extend | Expand | Update Uncertainty |
1. | Viscosity cup | Extend the range | x | ||
2. | Dissolved Oxygen Meter | This fields was uncompleted last year because the demo UUT was broken | x |
No. | Parameter/ Equipment | Description | Extend | Expand | Update Uncertainty |
1. | DC Voltage – Source | Extend the range | x | ||
2. | DC Voltage – Measure | Separate range | x | ||
3. | DC Current – Measure | Extend the range | x | ||
4. | AC Voltage – Source | Extend the range | x | ||
5. | AC Voltage – Measure | Separate range | x | ||
6. | AC Current – Source | Update Uncertainty Budget | x | ||
7. | AC Current – Measure | Extend the range, Update Uncertainty Budget, Update MTE | x | ||
8. | DC Power – Generate 33 mV to 1020 V |
Update Uncertainty Budget | x | ||
9. | Resistance – Source Fixed Points | Edit the range and Update Uncertainty Budget | x | ||
10. | Capacitance – Measure | Extend the range | x | ||
11. | Welding Equipment | New Parameter | x |
No. | Parameter/ Equipment | Description | Extend | Expand | Update Uncertainty |
1. | Laser Micro-Diameter | Update Uncertainty Budget | x | ||
2. | Caliper Checker/Check Master | New Parameter | x |
No. | Parameter/ Equipment | Description | Extend | Expand | Update Uncertainty |
1. | Light Box | Extend the range | x | x | |
2. | UV Meters Irradiance | Extend the range | x | ||
3. | Laser Power Meters | New Parameter | x |
No. | Parameter/ Equipment | Description | Extend | Expand | Update Uncertainty |
1. | Temperature Source/Measure | Extend the range | x |
The Scope Expansion/Extension for 2024 shows Techmaster’s continuous efforts to enhance its service offerings. By extending ranges, expanding capabilities, and improving uncertainty budgets across different fields, Techmaster ensures that it meets the evolving demands of its clients in various industries, from electrical and chemical measurements to photometry and dimensional metrology. These updates reflect the commitment to precision and customer service improvement.
For more detailed information, please consult Techmaster Vietnam’s latest scope of accreditation document