A deep understanding of your work
Our Solutioneers derive their deep segment and application expertise from observing and understanding your work. This expertise helps us build and recommend the solutions that work best for your business, whether we’re customizing a tool to your specific needs, helping your teams use them safely, or supporting your LEAN or RCI initiatives. That insight also helps us develop new relevant products.
Innovation for higher performance
Your Snap-on tools will perform at a high level on every application because constant innovation helps us create the smartest, highest-quality tools available. We take pride in upholding our legendary reputation with engineering prowess, proprietary metallurgy, meticulous craftsmanship and custom design, while meeting or exceeding every industry standard.
Custom-built for your unique requirements
Expect nothing less than optimum performance on every application with solutions custom-engineered to precisely meet your unique requirements. For maximum productivity and safety in tools, tool control, kitting and storage solutions, our engineers work closely with you throughout design, testing, and production, right down to the ergonomics.
Support for the long haul
From warranty, to tool repair, to torque calibration, and all the way to connecting to your internal systems, our support endures long after the sales. We’re not just a vendor – we consider ourselves a direct partner in the success of your business and will do whatever it takes to give you an on-going edge.
Safety is in our DNA
Nothing is more important than workers going home safe at the end of each day. That’s why we don’t just offer the safest products in the business, but the training and instruction on how to use them properly. Can’t find the right off-the-rack tool to get the job done safely? We’ll work with you to create a safe, custom tool specifically for that application.
Shaping the future of your workforce
At Snap-on, we view the upskilling of the workforce as the seminal issue of our time. The Snap-on Certification Program gives students and schools the advanced skills they need to participate and thrive in the economy of the future.