LiQuilaz SO2, SO3, and SO5 New 660 nm Laser Module
Particle Measuring Systems switched to the Hitachi 660 nm laser diode (LD) for use in the LiQuilaz and HSLIS product lines due to their much higher reliability and end of life issues with the 780 nm LD. The lifetime of the Hitachi lasers is close to three years and provides greatly improved customer satis- faction. While the switch from the 780 nm to the new Hitachi 660 nm is fairly transparent to most end users, there are some operational changes required due to the wavelength change. A basic understanding of the optical particle counting and how calibrations can provide accurate analysis is useful when making comparisons between the two types of particle counters.
Interested in learning more? Complete the form on this page to receive a free copy of the LiQuilaz SO2, SO3, and SO5 New 660 nm Laser Module application note.