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fluke combiner boxes


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Solar Panels

A single photovoltaic cell contains semiconductors that can convert sunlight into electricity. As photovoltaic cells only generate a limited amount of energy, numerous cells are connected together to create a single solar panel. Working together, multiple solar cells generate higher currents, and therefore more energy.


Solar Technicians / Installers

Solar energy technicians are responsible for assembling, installing, and maintaining solar panel systems on rooftops and other structures. Technicians regularly service and maintain existing systems and troubleshoot issues.

Electricians / PV Designers

PV Designers design wiring systems and install PV systems to ensure they produce a stable and reliable power output. They also ensure that the system installations comply with relevant electrical and building standards.


Solar energy advisors conduct research on site load profiles and environmental conditions such as annual electricity usage and solar radiation. They use all available information to design the PV system’s load capacity, verify that environmental conditions support the load, and ensure the PV system will be installed to generate a stable and reliable power level.
Operations and Maintenance

As the customer’s representative, the Operations Manager will coordinate all maintenance activities and ensure that the installed system operates efficiently, producing a reliable and consistent power output.

Support Solutions

fluke ampe kìm

Clamp Meter
fluke 393 fc

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fluke máy đo quang năng

Solar Irradiance Meter
fluke irr1-sol

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fluke camera nhiệt

Thermal Imager
fluke ti480 pro

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fluke 1625-2

Earth Ground Tester
fluke 1625-2

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fluke smft 1000

Solar PV Tester
fluke smft-1000

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Combiner Boxes

A Solar Combiner Box combines the output of numerous strings of PV modules for connection to the inverter. Generally, it houses the input overcurrent protection fuse assemblies for multiple strings. Amperage measurements and calculations are crucial to establishing whether the PV arrays are operating correctly.


Solar Technicians / Installers

Solar energy technicians are responsible for assembling, installing, and maintaining solar panel systems on rooftops and other structures. Technicians regularly service and maintain existing systems and troubleshoot issues.

Electricians / PV Designers

PV Designers design wiring systems and install PV systems to ensure they produce a stable and reliable power output. They also ensure that the system installations comply with relevant electrical and building standards.


Solar energy advisors conduct research on site load profiles and environmental conditions such as annual electricity usage and solar radiation. They use all available information to design the PV system’s load capacity, verify that environmental conditions support the load, and ensure the PV system will be installed to generate a stable and reliable power level.
Operations and Maintenance

As the customer’s representative, the Operations Manager will coordinate all maintenance activities and ensure that the installed system operates efficiently, producing a reliable and consistent power output.

Support Solutions

fluke ampe kìm

Clamp Meter
fluke 393 fc

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fluke smft 1000

Solar PV Tester
fluke smft-1000

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Digital Multimeter
fluke 87v max

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fluke camera nhiệt

Thermal Imager
fluke ti480 pro

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fluke 1625-2

Earth Ground Tester
fluke 1625-2

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fluke 125B

Industrial ScopeMeter
fluke 125b

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fluke 1537

Insulation Tester
fluke 1537

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Battery Storage

Healthy batteries should maintain a capacity above 90% of the manufacturer’s rating. Most manufacturers recommend replacing the battery if its capacity falls below 80%.

Plate degradation, sustained high temperatures or an increase in resistance of more than 20% compared to the baseline or previous measurement are key signs of failure and require regular testing to ensure optimal performance and prevent downtime.


Solar Technicians / Installers

Solar energy technicians are responsible for assembling, installing, and maintaining solar panel systems on rooftops and other structures. Technicians regularly service and maintain existing systems and troubleshoot issues.

Electricians / PV Designers

PV Designers design wiring systems and install PV systems to ensure they produce a stable and reliable power output. They also ensure that the system installations comply with relevant electrical and building standards.


Solar energy advisors conduct research on site load profiles and environmental conditions such as annual electricity usage and solar radiation. They use all available information to design the PV system’s load capacity, verify that environmental conditions support the load, and ensure the PV system will be installed to generate a stable and reliable power level.

Operations and Maintenance

As the customer’s representative, the Operations Manager will coordinate all maintenance activities and ensure that the installed system operates efficiently, producing a reliable and consistent power output.

Support Solutions

fluke 1625-2

Earth Ground Tester
fluke 1625-2

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fluke BT521

Battery Analyser
fluke BT521

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Digital Multimeter
fluke 87v max

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fluke camera nhiệt

Thermal Imager
fluke ti480 pro

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Power Quality Analyser
fluke 1777

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fluke norma 6004+

Portable Power Analyzer
fluke norma 6004+

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Inverter Boxes

Solar panels generate DC electricity, and solar inverters are required to convert the power from DC to AC in order to make a connection to the utility grid. It is crucial to regularly check the inverter’s operating DC input voltage and current level and, on the AC side, the inverter’s output voltage and current levels, to ensure that the inverters are producing the correct output.


Solar Technicians / Installers

Solar energy technicians are responsible for assembling, installing, and maintaining solar panel systems on rooftops and other structures. Technicians regularly service and maintain existing systems and troubleshoot issues.

Electricians / PV Designers

PV Designers design wiring systems and install PV systems to ensure they produce a stable and reliable power output. They also ensure that the system installations comply with relevant electrical and building standards.


Solar energy advisors conduct research on site load profiles and environmental conditions such as annual electricity usage and solar radiation. They use all available information to design the PV system’s load capacity, verify that environmental conditions support the load, and ensure the PV system will be installed to generate a stable and reliable power level.

Operations and Maintenance

As the customer’s representative, the Operations Manager will coordinate all maintenance activities and ensure that the installed system operates efficiently, producing a reliable and consistent power output.

Support Solutions

fluke 1625-2

Earth Ground Tester
fluke 1625-2

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fluke ampe kìm

Clamp Meter
fluke 393 fc

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Digital Multimeter
fluke 87v max

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fluke camera nhiệt

Thermal Imager
fluke ti480 pro

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Power Quality Analyser
fluke 1777

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fluke norma 6004+

Portable Power Analyzer
fluke norma 6004+

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fluke 1537

Insulation Tester
fluke 1537

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fluke 1748

Power Quality Logger
fluke 1748

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Power Grid & Substation

The Electrical Substation is the key interface between the Utility Grid and Renewable Installations. All substations require a comprehensive maintenance programme including the testing of Transformers, Circuit Breakers, Batteries & Chargers, Relays and Isolating Circuit Switches.


Solar Technicians / Installers

Solar energy technicians are responsible for assembling, installing, and maintaining solar panel systems on rooftops and other structures. Technicians regularly service and maintain existing systems and troubleshoot issues.

Electricians / PV Designers

PV Designers design wiring systems and install PV systems to ensure they produce a stable and reliable power output. They also ensure that the system installations comply with relevant electrical and building standards.


Solar energy advisors conduct research on site load profiles and environmental conditions such as annual electricity usage and solar radiation. They use all available information to design the PV system’s load capacity, verify that environmental conditions support the load, and ensure the PV system will be installed to generate a stable and reliable power level.

Operations and Maintenance

As the customer’s representative, the Operations Manager will coordinate all maintenance activities and ensure that the installed system operates efficiently, producing a reliable and consistent power output.

Support Solutions

fluke 1555 FC

Insulation Tester
fluke 1555 FC

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Power Quality Analyser
fluke 1777

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fluke 125B

Industrial ScopeMeter
fluke 125B

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fluke 1748

Power Quality Logger
fluke 1748

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fluke 1625-2

Earth Ground Tester
fluke 1625-2

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fluke ii910

Partial Discharge Imager
fluke ii910

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fluke camera nhiệt

Thermal Imager
fluke ti480 pro

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fluke norma 6004+

Portable Power Analyzer
fluke norma 6004+

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